Monday, July 28, 2008


Laser Technology has been used safely and effectively for many years. LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification Stimulated Emission. The use of lasers has revolutionized the way many unwanted cosmetic issues can be addressed and treated. Hair Removal is one of the latest innovations in the exciting field of laser technology.

Other Hair Removal methods, such as waxing, plucking and shaving only offer temporary relief. Until now, electrolysis has been the only more permanent alternative. However, electrolysis treatments can take years, be painful and are limited to treating small areas.

The Laser safely removes unwanted hair in approximately 3-6 treatments that generally don’t take more than 15-20 minutes.

The laser emits a beam of light that passes through the skin into the hair follicle. The energy of the laser is transformed into heat as it gets absorbed and the hair follicle gets disabled, but leaves the surrounding skin unchanged.

Hair Removal Laser works best on people who have dark hair and light skin. The laser’s light is looking for a difference in color (melanin or pigment) between the skin and the hair. So, people with light hair and fair skin are not good candidates, neither are people with dark hair and dark skin. A qualified physician can easily evaluate if you are a good candidate and tell you what you can expect for results.

Hair Removal Laser is a permanent hair reduction method. After each treatment a vast percentage of the hair follicles are permanently disabled. The results vary from individual to individual but after a series of treatments has been completed there is minimum hair regrowth.

Protective eyewear is always worn to protect the eyes from the laser’s intense light.
A light coolant spray is used to cool the outer layers of the skin before each pulse of light for increased comfort. Because of the cooling device, most people experience minimal discomfort.

However, pain tolerance varies from person to person and a topical anesthetic can be applied in advance of the procedure.

After the treatment, the area may be pink or red for a few hours, but it can sometimes last for several days.

When the laser procedure is performed correctly, by a trained operator and the patient selection process is appropriate, there should not be any complications beyond the possibility of an allergic reaction, ingrown hair or temporary redness. However, under certain conditions scarring can occur.

Only our experienced, board certified dermatologists who are also members of the American Society of Laser Surgery and Medicine.

The cost depends on the size of the area being treated. The average price range
per treatment for areas such as the face, bikini area and underarms is between $250-$500.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hair Removal Tips


How It Works: Using tweezers, a person stretches the skin tightly, grips the hair close to the root, and pulls it out.

How Long It Lasts: 3 to 8 weeks

Pros: Plucking is time-consuming because you can only remove one hair at a time. However, it's inexpensive because all you need are tweezers.Dealing With Ingrown Hairs

Cons: Plucking can be painful, so it's best to do it only on small areas, such as the eyebrows, upper lip, and chin. If the hair breaks off below the skin, a person may get an ingrown hair. After plucking, you may notice temporary red bumps because the hair follicle is swollen and irritated.

Tips: Make sure you sterilize your tweezers with rubbing alcohol before and after use to reduce the chance of infection.

How They Work: A depilatory is a cream or liquid that removes hair from the skin's surface. They work by reacting with the protein structure of the hair, so the hair dissolves and can be washed or wiped away.

How Long They Last: Several days to 2 weeks

Pros: Depilatories work quickly, are readily available at drugstores and grocery stores, and are inexpensive. They're best on the leg, underarm, and bikini areas; special formulations may be used on the face and chin.

Cons: Applying depilatories can be messy and many people dislike the odor. If you have sensitive skin, you might have an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the depilatory, which may cause a rash or inflammation. Depilatories may not be as effective on people with coarse hair.

Tips: Read product directions carefully and be sure to apply the product only for the recommended amount of time for best results. Before using a depilatory on pubic hair, read product labels to find one that says it's safe to use on the "bikini" area or genitals.

How It Works: A sticky wax is spread on the area of skin where the unwanted hair is growing. A cloth strip is then applied over the wax and quickly pulled off, taking the hair root and dead skin cells with it. The wax can be warmed or may be applied cold. Waxing can be done at a salon or at home.

How Long It Lasts: 3 to 6 weeks

Pros: Waxing leaves the area smooth and is long lasting. Waxing kits are readily available in drugstores and grocery stores. Hair regrowth looks lighter and less noticeable than it is after other methods of hair removal, such as shaving.

Cons: Many people say the biggest drawback to waxing is the discomfort: Because the treatment works by pulling hair out at the roots, it can sting a bit as the hair comes off — luckily that part is fast. People may notice temporary redness, inflammation, and bumps after waxing.

Professional waxing is more expensive than other hair removal methods. However, it can help to get a first waxing treatment done in a salon to watch how the professionals do it (because salon staff are used to waxing all parts of the male and female body there's no need to feel embarrassed!).

People who use acne medications such as tretinoin and isotretinoin may want to skip waxing because those medicines make the skin more sensitive. People with moles or skin irritation from sunburn should also avoid waxing.

Tips: For waxing to work, hair should be at least ¼ inch (about 6 millimeters) long. So skip shaving for a few weeks before waxing. Waxing works well on the legs, bikini area, and eyebrows.

How It Works: Over a series of several appointments, a professional electrologist inserts a needle into the follicle and sends an electric current through the hair root, killing it. A small area such as the upper lip may take a total of 4 to 10 hours and a larger area such as the bikini line may take 8 to 16 hours.

How Long It Lasts: Intended to be permanent, but some people have regrowth of hair

Pros: Some people have permanent hair removal.

Cons: Electrolysis takes big bucks and lots of time, so it's usually only used on smaller areas such as the upper lip, eyebrows, and underarms. Many people describe the process as painful, and dry skin, scabs, scarring, and inflammation may result after treatment. Infection may be a risk if the needles and other instruments aren't properly sterilized.

Tips: Talk to your doctor if you're interested in this method. He or she may be able to recommend an electrologist with the proper credentials.
Laser Hair Removal

How It Works: A laser is directed through the skin to the hair follicle, where it stops growth. It works best on light-skinned people with dark hair because the melanin (colored pigment) in the hair absorbs more of the light, making treatment more effective.

How Long It Lasts: Intended to be permanent, but people often need to return every 6 months to a year for maintenance

Pros: This type of hair removal is long lasting and large areas of skin can be treated at the same time.

Cons: A treatment session may cost $400 or more. Side effects of the treatment may include inflammation and redness.

Tips: Using cold packs may help diminish any inflammation after treatment. Avoiding the sun before a treatment may make results more effective.
Prescription Treatments

A cream called eflornithine is available by prescription to treat facial hair growth in women. The cream is applied twice a day until the hair becomes softer and lighter — more like vellus hair. Side effects may include skin irritation and acne. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist if you are concerned about hair growth and removal.

Antiandrogen medications are another method that doctors prescribe to reduce the appearance of unwanted hair. Because androgen hormones can be responsible for hair growth in unwanted areas, these medications can reduce hair growth by blocking androgen production. Doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives in conjunction with these medications to enhance their effect, avoid pregnancy (since antiandrogens can be harmful to a developing fetus) and help regularize the menstrual cycle in women who need it.

Deciding to remove body hair is a personal choice. Getting rid of body hair doesn't make a person healthier, and you shouldn't feel pressured to do so if you don't want to. Some cultures view body hair as beautiful and natural, so do what feels right to you!

Getting Rid of Hair Shaving

Getting Rid of Hair

How It Works: Using a razor, a person removes the tip of the hair shaft that has grown out through the skin. Some razors are completely disposable, some have a disposable blade, and some are electric. Guys often shave their faces, and women often shave their underarms, legs, and bikini areas.

How Long It Lasts: 1 to 3 days

Pros: Shaving is fairly inexpensive, and you can do it yourself. All you need is some warm water, a razor, and if you choose, shaving gel or cream.

Cons: Razor burn, bumps, nicks, cuts, and ingrown hairs are side effects of shaving. Ingrown hairs can happen with close, frequent shaving. When the hair begins to grow, it grows within the surrounding tissue rather than growing out of the follicle. The hair curls around and starts growing into the skin, irritating it.

Tips: You'll get a closer shave if you shave in the shower after your skin has been softened by warm water. Go slowly, pulling looser areas of skin taut before running the razor over them. Change razors often to avoid nicks. Using shaving cream may also help protect sensitive skin, like the skin around the genitals. If you?re nervous about cutting yourself, you can try an electric razor instead.

Although most people shave in the opposite direction from the hair growth, if you want to avoid ingrown hairs it can help to shave in the direction the hair grows.

Different Types of Hair

Different Types of Hair

Before removing hair, it helps to know about the different types we have on our bodies. All hair is made of keratin, a hard protein also found in fingernails and toenails. Hair growth begins beneath the skin surface at a hair root inside a hair follicle (a small tube in the skin).

You have two types of hair on your body. Vellus hair is soft, fine, and short. Most women have vellus hair on the chest, back, and face. It can be darker and more noticeable in some women than others, especially those with darker complexions. Vellus hair helps the body maintain a steady temperature by providing some insulation.

Terminal hair is coarser, darker, and longer than vellus hair and is the type of hair that grows on your head. Most people get terminal hair in their armpits and pubic region. On guys, terminal hair grows on the face and other parts of the body such as the chest, legs, and back, as well. Terminal hair provides cushioning and protection.

In some cases, excess hair growth, called hirsutism, may be the result of certain medical conditions. In women, polycystic ovary syndrome and other hormonal disorders can cause dark, coarse hair to grow on the face, especially the upper lip, and on the arms, chest, and legs. Some medications, like anabolic steroids, can also cause hirsutism.

Hair Removal Cream Use

Squeeze the cream straight onto the area of the skin you want to be smooth. Use the handy Perfect Touch Spatula* to evenly spread the cream – remember to apply in the direction of the hair.
- Wait for just 3 minutes – not more than 10 – and remove the cream with the Perfect Touch Spatula*. (The time the cream takes depends on the thickness of the hair)
- Rinse your skin thoroughly with water after use. Pat dry gently.
- It is important to use the Perfect Touch Spatula* for a perfect result.
- While applying the cream, remember to be generous in order to get a thorough and even coverage.
- Veet® is designed for use on legs, arms, underarms and bikini line, not on the face, scalp, breast, perianal or genital areas or any other body part.
- After use, wait 24 hrs before applying an antiperspirant or a perfumed product, swimming or sunbathing.
- Always wait for 72 hours between applications.
- Do not use immediately after hot bath/shower.


Threading is an ancient Middle Eastern technique that is becoming common in the United States with threading shops popping up in every big city as we speak. Many of the top beauty editors in NYC get their brows threaded rather than waxed. (I am a big fan of the thread and get mine done in a little shop in the subway at Rockefeller Plaza).

How does it work? An aesthetician uses a doubled-up strand of cotton thread to twist around individual hairs, then pulls them out from the roots. The procedure is used mainly on the eyebrows and upper lip.

Threading is faster than tweezing. The average eyebrow procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes, while tweezing takes about 20 minutes.

Cost is relatively cheap: it starts at $5. We suggest trying a professional threading job, then maintain your new brow line yourself with tweezers.

Facts About Hair Removal

I've tried laser hair removal on my legs and bikini to great success. But before you sign up for these very costly treatments, you should read up on the facts to determine if laser hair removal really is for you.

Who's a Good Candidate?
Lasers and pulsed lights work best on people with dark hair and light skin. There are new devices created to work on light hair and dark skinned people, but from what I've read, they work only 'so-so.'

A new device, Aurora by Syneron, uses both intense pulsed light and radio frequency to treat women with blonde or gray hair, but they are only about 50% as effective as other lasers.

As for dark or tanned skin, lasers can cause discoloration (read why below) unless you use a machine created for dark skin. Ask for the ND Yag laser, states Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD in the July 2004 issue of InStyle magazine. (Woolery-Lloyd is the director of ethnic skin at the University of Miami).
How it Works
Lasers use pulsed light to target, break down and destroy the melanin (dark pigment) in hair. This is why it works only on dark hair. Lasers will also target the melonin in dark skin, which can cause discoloration. According to Michelle, my aesthetician at Completely Bare salon in NYC, hair grows in three phases: growing, resting and shedding. Lasers and pulsed lights targets hair in the growth phase.
When Does Hair Fall Out?
Hair falls out within 10-14 days. I use a mild sugar scrub in the shower on the 10th day, which helps exfoliate the skin and remove hair.
What Areas Can be Treated?
Lasers and pulsed light target several follicles at once, so you can treat large areas of skin. While it would take years to perform electrolysis on the back or legs, a typical laser hair removal session on both legs usually takes under two hours. Lasers are great for treating the back, shoulders, arm and chest.

For upper lip and chin, lasers work but only on dark hair. If you want to ensure the blonde hairs are zapped, your better bet is electrolysis for permanent hair removal in these areas.
How Long Do They Take?
It takes 4-6 laser hair removal sessions spaced 4 weeks apart to see 70-80 percent reduction in hair growth. For best results, Michelle suggests getting maintenance treatments done once a year for a couple years at least.
Are Results Guaranteed?
No. Laser hair removal works better on some people than others. No one knows for sure what the regrowth rates are. Some people notice regrowth after several months or years, while others find they never have to shave again. The average experience is 70-80 percent reduction in hair growth if you do a full 4-6 course treatment.

It's worth mentioning that like most technology, lasers have come a long way over the past few years. A friend of mine spent a lot of money to have his back done only to have it fail. He ended up having great success with the much more time-consuming electrolysis.
How to Prepare
Once it's determined what type of laser or pulsed light machine will be used, you'll likely be told to either shave the day of your treatment or three days before. Check with your aesthetician before you show up. I've come in freshly shaved only to be sent home.
What's the Pain Factor?
The pulsed light in laser hair removal feels like a rubber band popping against your skin, although some machines perform differently. Not every zap will hurt and I've found some areas (lower legs) hurt more than others (thighs).

I strongly advise taking a couple ibuprofen an hour before your session. Others recommend numbing skin 20 minutes before your session with a spray or cream that contains 4 percent lidocaine. InStyle magazine recommends Gigi's Anesthetic Numbing Spray.
Pick the Right Expert
Many salons advertise cheap and discounted procedures, but I've been told the best places don't have to resort to discounts. Do your homework before signing up for services. Book only with a dermatologist or licensed technician.
What It'll Cost You
Laser hair removal is not cheap. Depending on what body part you treat, it can run from $200 to $2,000 a session, not including tax and tip.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Intense Pulsed Light

What is Intense Pulsed Light?
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a state-of-the-art system and the latest technique in photofacial and hair removal therapy. The IPL system delivers high intensity, smooth and powerful pulses of light (not lasers) that greatly enhances the results of your skin rejuvenation or hair removal therapy. For skin therapy, IPL stimulates new collagen growth resulting in smoother, more even, healthier skin.

Penn Plastic Surgery’s certified, state-licensed medical aestheticians or skin care professionals, will closely examine your skin or hair during your initial consultation to determine your eligibility for treatments. Our skin care professional will decide what is the right process for you and make a recommendation on the number of treatments necessary to achieve your desired goals.

You may need a spot or test patch to make sure there are no negative reactions. The treatments may also require application of a topical gel or anesthetic to “numb” the treatment area. Your aesthetician will use the hand-held IPL device to direct the intense light at the problem area.

Who is a Good Candidate?
IPL is an excellent choice for men and women of all ages considering treatment for various hair or skin problems including:

* Brown or age spots
* Facial spider veins
* Hair removal
* Rosacea
* Skin pigmentation
* Softening superficial wrinkles

IPL is a simple and fast technique. There is minimal discomfort. You may feel some warm sensations or a very mild stinging during treatment. After treatment, you can resume your normal activities. There is no down time.

Recovery and Maintenance
You may have some pinkness or redness in or around the treatment area. There may be some mild swelling which will go away after a few days. In addition, you will need to protect the treated area from sunlight, tanning beds or other UV light.

You will start to see results after one or two treatments, depending on the nature of the problem. Some skin problems or hair removal will require several treatments before you see any difference.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Protocol

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Protocol


* Avoid tanning for 4-6 weeks before ANY treatment.
* Use a sunscreen when you do go out in the sun.
* Do not wax or have an electrolysis treatment for 6 weeks before treatment. You want to have plenty of hair present in the treatment area so it will be cost effective for you.
* If your skin is dark, you may be asked to use a pre-treatment bleaching cream.
* You may shave or use a depilatory cream until treatment however, stubble should be visible on the day of treatment.
* Please be prepared to inform us of any light sensitive medication you might be using (such as antibiotics etc. - St. John Wart etc.)
* The best colors to wear when receiving body work (such as bikini line or underarms) are white, purple, or red.


* Shortly after treatment areas may be tender, slightly red and/or swollen. This reaction usually disappears within a few hours. Blisters may occur in sensitive areas such as bikini line and neck areas. Oozing, crusting and scabbing may occur within 1-3 days. (This is a "worst-case" scenario!)
* Do not pick or remove scabs.
* Apply antibiotic ointment (Polysporin, Bactroban, Fucidin, Hydrocortisone) twice daily until healed. The area will heal in 5-7 days. If you experience itching, antihistamines such as Benadryl may be taken 1-3 days if required.
* For the first 2-3 days apply an ice pack for 15 minutes a few times a day if you have swelling. Many people do not experience this.
* Talk with me about your questions or concerns regarding make-up.
* After each treatment avoid sun for 2 months and use sun screen of SPF 30 or higher.
* Be gentle with your skin. Treat it as if you have just received a mild sunburn. Feel free to bath and shower as usual, but be kind to your skin - no abrasive scrubbing.

Note: Stubble representing dead hair being shed from the hair follicle will appear within a day or two of treatment. 10-20 days from the treatment date the treated hair should fall out.

Infrared Removal of Hair

Benefits of Infrared Treatment:
Inexpensive compare to laser
Large areas can be treated quickly
You can resume regular activities immediately with no down time
Infrared painless technology leaves no discomfort, burns, scarring or pigmentation changes to the skin and no side effects.


Hair Removal lasers are only effective on pigmented hairs. Lasers that are providing effective treatments are all targeting melanin. The best candidates for laser hair removal are individuals with light skin and dark hair. A dark hair contains melanin and has a plethora of melanin surrounding the dermal papilla, or hair root. The melanin granules absorb the laser energy, which in turn produces a thermal effect. This heating action is what kills the hair, which later falls out. The projected number of treatments needed is 2-6, with the average being 3-5.

When you are ready for your treatment, the hair in that area will be closely clipped or shaved off. We want as much of the laser energy as possible to be absorbed by the melanin near the hair root. If we let hair on the surface of your skin, too much of the laser energy would be wasted.

Within 10-20 days, the treated hair will fall out. It will look as if it is growing, but be patient. Deeper, darker hairs will take more time to fall out than shallower hairs. You may shave or clip those hairs if needed before they fall out, but do not take the tweezers and try to pull them out. Allow them to take their own time to completely dry up and fall out. You may also bleach treated hairs while you are waiting for them to fall out.

You should wait 4-6 weeks after your last tanning session before you start your laser hair removal treatments. The melanin in your skin seems to be 'activated' when you tan. Activated melanin will heat more quickly when exposed to the laser energy, and therefore afford a higher potential for burning the skin.

You should plan your laser treatments 4-6 weeks after your last electrolysis treatment or waxing session. You will receive the most economic benefit with laser hair removal if you have a high density of hair growing in the desired treatment area.

Beaches Hair Removal Clinic use an alexandrite laser manufactured by the Candela, Corp., called GentleLASE. Alexandrite and ruby lasers have been safely used in medical applications for decades. The FDA has cleared five systems for "Permanent Hair Reduction". The are the ruby laser called Epilaser, a diode laser called LightSheer, a bread spectrum light device (not really even a laser!), called EpiLight, the alexandrite GentleLASE, and the alexandrite Apogee, and the Nd:Yag Coolglide.

As with any service of this type, there are always risks involved. As with traditional electrolysis, the risks are hyper-pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation, and scarring. Hyper-pigmentation is a darkening of the skin, much like a localized, artificial tan. It could last anywhere from a few days to a few months. Hypo-pigmentation is just the opposite. It is a lightening or bleaching of the skin. If the laser energy is too high, it could produce a burn. If it was intense enough, it could scar. We have had no significant problems to report.

The treatment is described by many as feeling similar to being 'popped' by a rubber band. Treatment is so fast that most do not mind the discomfort they feel. Upper lips can be done in one minute, both underarms in 6-7 minutes, and a bikini line in 10-15 minutes! Hair removal has never been so fast!

The GentleLASE has spot sizes up to 18mm. The is one of the largest spot sizes of any laser on the market today, and makes treatment fast, and effective. The GentleLASE can fire a pulse every second! The cooling system is second to none. It is the only laser on the market that delivers a cryogenic spray to protect your skin. We find it superior to messy gels or contact cooling which is totally technician dependent and cannot be as precise with each pulse.

Just after treatment, your skin will be warm, and possibly flushed with color. You may also notice some erythema, or puffiness. We will apply a topical ointment or lotion to your skin to soothe and cool it, and then apply a cold damp cloth to cool the area down. You should avoid rubbing or scrubbing the area for 24 hours. Pat or gently cleanse the area instead.

Treatments are delivered anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months apart. After your treated hair has fallen out (10-20 days!), you will be hair free for some time. Suddenly, you will notice a new "crop" of hair emerging. You will then know that it is time for your next treatment. These will be hairs that were dormant or not in an active stage of growing when you received your last laser treatment.

Amanda Forster, CME has had extensive training for laser hair removal. This training includes laser physics, laser safety, and hands-on training. Those who do not attend training classes such as this usually get an afternoon with the laser company professional. They are shown how to perform rudimentary functions, are handed paperwork with parameters of settings on it, and given an 800- number to call with questions! Trust your skin to professionals who have taken the time for training, and understand how the skin responds to thermal hair removal treatments. We understand your issues with unwanted hair! Most other clinics have only been in the hair removal business for a few weeks or months. Make the safe choice, and trust your skin to educated professionals who care about your skin. Beaches Hair Removal clinic was established in 1986 in Neptune Beach, FL.

You should always call or email us with any of your questions. We are here to help you eliminate your unwanted hair, as safely, quickly and effectively as possible. This new technology is truly exciting. Let us show you how to free yourself of unwanted hair at the speed of light.

Accute Laser Hair Removal

The laser is the latest technology in hair removal and the least painful of all hair removal methods. The technician runs the tip of a hand-held device emitting a high frequency beam of light across the skin. The light passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed by the hairs pigment. This absorption creates heat that damages the follicle, so hair has difficulty growing back. The darker the hair, the better the results because the hair pigment absorbs the laser light. White, blonde and red hair does not respond to the current lasers available, thus electrolysis is the only method to remove the hair permanently.
The LightSheer Diode Laser™ is one of the only FDA approved machines for laser hair removal. The LightSheer system was designed from the ground up for effective hair removal, providing unsurpassed safety and efficacy, reliability, and ease-of-use. Its advanced high-power diode technology delivers high fluence combined with a large spot size, user-selected pulse width, aggressive contact cooling and compression for high-performance unmatched by other high-tech hair removal systems.

Accurate Laser Hair Removal specializes in utilizing the latest technology in hair removal and offering the least painful of all hair removal methods.