Wednesday, February 4, 2009

hormonal imbalances

Unwanted hair in certain parts of the body, may be due to an excss of androgens or to an over sensitivity to a normal level of androgens in the body.

If the underlyong cause is a hormonal imbalance due to a tumor , the tumor must be surgically removed. If, however, the hormonal imbalance is due to other reasons, such as certain types of drugs, an overproduction of androgens ( amle hormones), or hyper sensitivity to normal amounts of androgens, the following prescription medications may be used to control unwanted hair:

MARVELON AND DEMULEN: These oral contraceptive are best used for the combined problem of acne and excess hair. Its advantage in these circumstances is that it does not contain any substances related to androgen nor can it be broken down in to androgen products by the body. Positive results are usually seen after 9 to 12 months of continual use.

Aldactone ( spironolactone ): this medication is a water pill, or diuretic, which is frequently prescribed to reduce body fluid. It has also, however, been effective in controlling unwanted hair, even when hormonal levels are relatively normal. The usual method of use is to start taking small daily doses and gradually increase them. Patients taking aldactone are also instructed to drink 16 ounces of water or other fluids a day. It takes 9 to 12 months to see positive results. Dryness of the eyes and mouth, and an increased, some women may experience irregularity in the menstrual cycle. When prescribed for men, this medication may cause thickening of the breasts. Another disadvantages is that it may have the opposite effect and actually increase hair fact, aldactone is sometimes prescribed for women who have male pattern hair loss to prevent syuch loss and to encourage hair growth.

Androcur ( cyproterone): this medication is known as a progestational agent and has some anti- androgen properties. Because of these properties, it should be taken with oral birth control pills, preferably marvelon or demulen, or it could affect a developing fetus. It should not be used for 2 months prior to attempting pregnancy nor should it be taken by those with liver or kidney problems. It is started at a small dose and is gradually increased to a larger dose as the tolerance level improves. Positive results are usually seen in 6 to 12 months.

Euflex ( flutamide) : this oral medication is effective in the treatment of excess hair. By blocking the action of the male hormone, it decreases hair growth on the face and body, yet thickens the hair on the scalp. It takes about 7 to 24 months before these changes occur. It cannot be given to men because of its influence on the male hormones. Flushing, dry skin, decreased libido, breast discomfort, and nausea are some of the potential side effects of this medication. There is also the risk of liver disease so careful monitoring is essential.

Chemical depilatories

Some examples of chemical depilatories include Neet, Nudit, and Nair. These products break down the strong sulphur bonds that hold proteins in the hair together. The hair becomes soft and weak and can usually be wiped away. Unfortunately , the skin in the area of unwanted hair often becomes irritated with this technique. Subsequent inflammation may stimulate the pigment cells to produce more melanin resulting in the darker skin in the area ( post – inflammatory pigmentation). To prevent these problems the instructions for the use of the depilatory should be followed carefully, and it should first be tested on a small area.

A dermatologists could prescribe a mild cortisone cream to apply immediately after using depilatories to prevent skin irritation and hyperpigmentation ( darkening). If darkening does occur, bleaching creams such as Reversa HQ and NeoStrata HQ amy be used to lighten the skin again.

Bleaching or dying unwanted hair is the best camouflaging technique but like chemical depilatories, this process may be irritating to the skin.


Electrolysis is a hair removal technique where, an electrical current is passed into the hair follicle, rendering it inactive and causing the hair to fall out. Currently, three methods of electrolysis are used: galvanic current, electro coagulation, and radio wave. Each differs in the amount of time the procedure takes and the number of hairs that can be removed. The galvanic method is slowest. Claims have been made that radio wave electrolysis is less uncomfortable and causes fewer pigmentary problems; this, however, has not yet been adequately substantiated.

The galvanic current appliances have been adapted for home use (for example, permatweez), and although it is a slow, tedious process, for many this is prefemble to going for regular, and sometimes costly, sessions at a salon.

An electrolysis program is a long- term commitment and it is often comfortable. Topical anesthetic creams can help minimize the discomfort. Possible complications include scarring, irregular pigmentation, infection, and flare – ups of acne and herpes simplex (cold sores) in the area being treated.

For this reason it is important to be treated by properly trained and experienced electrologists. Some geographic locations have licensing bodies for electrologists; most, however do not. It is best therefore, to speak to a knowledgeable physician or to request references before starting a course of treatment with an unknown technician.

Effects Hair Removal

There are currently two techniques being used to remove unwanted hair with laser. The first technique utilizes a new generation of alexandrite, and ruby lasers, which have long pulse duration. These lasers have an affinity for pigment in the hair root and on application the productivity of the hair root is decreased. The hair root is stunned into a prolonged sleeping phase of up to eight months or more. When the hair roots wakes up it has been weakened and may not be capable of further growth. A single treatment with alexandrite or ruby lasers may be enough to eradicate fine, dark hairs. If hairs are light in color, thick or deep they may require multiple sessions or they may not respond at all.

Other photo optic light sources, which are similar to lasers, are also being used in a similar fashion to remove hair. Although they are not lasers they are often referred to as such.

The second technique utilizes one of four lasers: the Q- switched short pulse duration ruby, the alexandrite, the Nd: Yag or the variable pulse width (VPW) green lasers. These lasers have an affinity for darker pigment. To attract the laser light to the follicles a black carbon gel is spread over the skin and then wiped off. Some of this gel remains in the pores of the hair follicles. When the laser light is applied it passes harmlessly through the skin and is selectively absorbed by the dark pigment of the carbon gel. The energy emitted by the laser light when it is absorbed causes the carbon molecule s to break into minuscule particles. The heat transmitted in this process damages or destroys the adjacent hair follicles. The hair growth in the treated area is significantly reduced or in many cases is completely eradicated. More than one session is usually required to achieve the desired results. The thermolase hair removal system utilizes this technique and has been approved for this purpose by the food and drug administration in the United States.

Response to either method of laser removal is variable depending on the type of hair, the color of the hair and the depth of the hair root. No assurances can be made as everyone responds differently. For this reason a test site is recommended before proceeding with extensive therapy.

Potential complication exists with all forma of hair removal. Failure to respond to the laser light, pigment changes in the skin, or even scar, could occur, although the risk is low. Allergic reactions to the gel may occur if the second technique is used. One would expect inflammation in the hair follicles for approximately ten days after the procedure.

Hair Loss Women

There may be a lack of sensitivity among the general public toward womens' hair loss and thinning hair as compared to the response to the same issue for men. This is perplexing because men and women equally suffer from hair loss.

The main difference between female and male baldness is in the pattern of hair loss. In men the hairline recedes and moves further and further back until the man might be completely bald. However, in women the hair thins in a very diffuse manner, making female hair loss more evenly distributed over the entire scalp. As the hair gets thinner the scalp may become more visible. This can be treated.
The treatment of female hair loss usually differs from the treatment of men. The cause of hair loss in women is somewhat different than men, therefore the treatment regimen will differ as well. If you are a woman suffering with hair loss I encourage you to visit my office for a consultation, and see if you qualify for laser hair treatments. You do not need to suffer any longer. There are effective treatments to stop, reverse and re-grow your hair naturally.
Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female hair loss patterns vary, mostly because of the different causes that factor in. The chart below shows the Ludwig classification system that was established to better categorize female hair loss.
Cause of Hair Loss in Women

There are a number of factors to keep in mind when determining the cause of hair loss in women. Although many women inherit this difficult problem from their ancestors, many more cite a different cause.

Aside from heredity, the major cause of female hair loss includes:
Strong Hair Chemicals

Many times, when a woman experiences hair loss caused by one of these situations. Once the problem is corrected the the hair will come back. Some times, however, the cause either can't be stopped or the hair follicle has been permanently lost and the hair never comes back
The Treatment Options

The only way to truly determine the most appropriate course of action is by meeting with your doctor. Dr. Melamed will start by meeting with you and determining the specific cause of your hair loss. Then you can start on a customized Hair Restoration Program based on the cause, pattern, and level of thinning hair you are experiencing.

Hair Loss Men

Hair loss is genetic about 95% of the time. This means that about 95% of balding men suffer from “male pattern baldness” or in medical terms, “androgenetic alopecia.” This is generally characterized by the U-shaped edging of hair from ear to ear that is common in most balding men.

The different traits that make us all so unique do not stop at hair loss. We see men at all stages of hair loss, including those who have a completely bare head and those who are simply starting to get nervous about a newly-receding hairline.

It is important to understand these hair loss solutions and carefully weigh the trade-offs and appropriateness of each treatment option for your situation. Everyone’s hair loss solution may be different, because every one’s situation is different. The only way to determine an appropriate hair loss solution is to obtain as much information as possible. Then schedule an appointment with an expert physician in medical hair restoration, such as Dr. David Melamed. Your physician will help you decide on the hair loss solution appropriate for you.

Male Pattern Baldness

The medical term for inherited baldness is "androgenetic alopecia." In men, it is called "male pattern baldness" and usually progresses to the familiar horseshoe-shaped fringe of hair.

Hair Loss Causes in Men

Normally, hair loss is caused by heredity, hormones and age. Genetic makeup determines if hair follicles are sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes the follicles to shrink.

This "shrinkage" results in the overall thinning of hair over time. Eventually the hair thins out completely and the follicle gets closed over.

The process of aging is another cause of male balding, as it can weaken the follicle and consequently the hair shaft. This causes thinning and baldness.
Other Factors

High levels of stress can be a cause of hair loss, but balding experienced in such an instance is unusual and temporary.

Trauma to the head accompanied by scarring can cause permanent damage to hair follicles, and permanent hair loss.

Tightly pulled hair styles, like braids, can cause hair loss as well. The tension created by the pull of the hairdo will irritate hair follicles, destroying them and stunting hair growth.

But 95% of the time, you can blame genetics when trying to determine the cause of your hair loss.

If you are a man suffering with hair loss I encourage you to visit my office for a consultation, and see if you qualify for laser hair treatments. You do not need to suffer any longer. There are effective treatments to stop, reverse and re-grow your hair naturally

Benefits of Laser Hair Therapy?

• Increases blood supply to the scalp by 54% after only one treatment.

• Stops the progression of hair loss in 85% of the patients.

• Stimulates re-growth of hair.

• Repairs and improves hair shaft quality resulting in a 25% increase in volume.

• Dramatically prolongs the life of hair color and perms.

• Relieves irritating scalp conditions.

• When used post-operatively with hair transplantation, the newly transplanted hair follicles can forego their dormancy stage.
Is Laser Hair Therapy Safe?

Yes! The Laser Hair Therapy devise, (which is classified as a Certified Class 111A cosmetic laser) is recognized by the FDA and is approved for cosmetic use in the United States.

The energy produced by the photons does not have the thermal or heat component to cause burn injuries seen with other laser devices. This is a healing laser. Laser light energy does not change or alter molecular structures; it stimulates the body's mechanism to repair and heal itself.
Alternatives Treatments

After consulting with Dr. Melamed, he may determine that your pattern of hair loss is too advanced to benefit from the Laser Hair Restoration Program. He may refer you for alternative treatment options such as hair replacement.

Permagraft: Permagraft was created to overcome the limitations inherent in current non-surgical hair restoration. Permagraft's begins with 100% human hair

Folligraft: Folligraft is non-invasive hair replacement. This allows for the insertion of hair into a membrane that is layed on your scalp.
Graftique: This is an improved product from Folligraft. The improvement is in the graft itself, the thinnest, most porous layer of skin ever.

Laser Hair Restoration Program

The Laser Hair Restoration Program is a four-step process, which includes full consultation with Dr. David Melamed, the expert in non-surgical hair restoration:

Step 1: Capillicare Testing - Magnified photographs of your hair at the scalp level are obtained
Step 2: Photos - Before & After
Step 3: Hair Care Products - Designed to create a favorable healthy environment for your hair to re-grow. Your hair care products may include: shampoo, conditioner, Minoxidil, DHT Blocker, enzymatic cleanser, as well as daily treatment.
Step 4: Laser Treatment – Dr. Melamed will customize your Hair Restoration Program during your free consultation.

Is the Laser Hair Restoration Program affordable?

Yes. We are pleased to offer flexible payment program with No-Interest Financing available through Care Credit or Citibank. No Interest and Low Monthly Payments! You can start your Laser Hair Therapy Program Immediately:
• You can finance 100% of the costs
• No annual fees
• Pay no pre-payment penalty
• Immediate approval status
• Free Consultation

Laser Hair Therapy (LHT)

Laser Hair therapy is the newest and most-advanced non-surgical hair growth treatment available. It utilizes low-level cool laser light to stimulate blood flow, follicle growth and hair growth. Thinning hair, baldness and problems associated with the scalp. LHT is a medically tested, effective and proven method using low level laser energy, or "soft" laser light to effectively treat and control problem hair loss. Laser light hair therapy uses low-level cool laser rays directly on the scalp. There are no thermal (or heat) components that might cause cut, burn inner tissue. Laser light therapy stimulates the red blood supply to the scalp. The added supply of red blood cells then gives oxygen and nutrients to the scalp area. This stimulates the scalp and promotes blood circulation, which creates a healthy environment for your own hair to grow. Hair may appear thicker, fuller and healthier.

A non-surgical hair restoration, has been scientifically documented and has been successful in many patients. This is the most natural non-surgical replacement hair restoration program on the market today. Eliminating hair loss has never been easier with Laser light hair therapy.

LHT was developed in Europe for the treatment of hair loss and diseases of the scalp. The treatment delivers light energy directly from rotating laser positions designed to increase the blood flow to the scalp. The laser therapy functions on the scientific principals of photo bio-therapy; where the laser light stimulates cell metabolism and causes damaged cells to be repaired. This breakthrough technology has been featured on national newscasts across the country. Physicians are praising this technology as an effective treatment to combat hair loss.


Hair care can be taken to a new level with the use of the Hair Therapy Wrap. The Hair Therapy Wrap is a fast, easy heated treatment system. The Hair Therapy Wrap uses special gel packs that stay warm for up 30 minutes to help repair damaged hair. Treatment using the Hair Therapy Wrap can repair dry hair by using any deep conditioning product and then wearing the Hair Therapy Wrap. The patented Hair Therapy Wrap does not require electricity to operate and therefore allows the user mobility while repairing damaged hair. No more trips to the beauty shop and using bonnet dryers to repair damaged hair.


The Hair Therapy Wrap applies gentle heat for up to 30 minutes, encouraging conditioner to penetrate the hair follicles. Helps activate treatments, hot oils or reconstructors and can also help to control dry, flaky scalp. You can use the Hair Therapy Wrap while bathing, relaxing, or around the house.


The Hair Therapy Wrap is a reusable, heated hair wrap. Place a gel pack in each pocket of the Hair Therapy Wrap. There are 2 rounded side gel packs and 1 middle gel pack. Make sure that gel packs lay flat in each compartment. Heat to desired temperature in a microwave.
1. Place disposable inner plastic cap on head.
2. Fit Hair Therapy Wrap over plastic cap with tail part towards back.
3. Then at the base of the neck, simply twist the fabric firmly for a snug, drip-proof fit.
4. Use the hook and loop strip to secure tail on the top of the wrap.


Microwave Heating:
Place assembled Hair Therapy Wrap in a domestic microwave oven. Heat for around 80 seconds depending on desired heat. Test the heat at 10 second intervals to find out the desired heating time for your microwave. Do not touch the gel packs directly. Stove Top Heating:
1. Bring 3 qts of water to a rolling boil.
2. Remove gel packs from Heat wrap and immerse only gel packs in heated water with kitchen tongs for no more than 5 minutes.
Do not put the heat wrap in the boiling water.
3. Remove gel packs from boiled water with kitchen tongs.

Allow hot water to drain, let cool for 1 minute. If too hot, you may use cotton gloves to handle gel packs.


The towelling cover is 100% cotton and machine washable with mild detergent. Remove the gel packs from Hair Therapy Wrap before machine washing. Air dry only.
Do not use bleach, do not dry clean and do not iron.


DO NOT OVERHEAT THE GEL PACKS Do not use for more than 30 minutes. Always use the the gel packs inside the pockets of the wrap. Burns can result from improper use. Discard and replace get packs immediately if punctured or leaking. If gel comes into contact with eyes, flush eyes with clean water and contact your doctor (note: gel is non-toxic food grade). Do not use on infants, children or invalids. Do not use if you are heat-sensitive, allergic or have any other medical condition. In the event of an allergic response from using any hair product with the Hair Therapy Wrap, we recommend that you immediately cease using the product with the Hair Therapy Wrap. Do not use the Heat Wrap for any purpose other than its intended use. Hair Therapy Wrap, LLC or any of its affiliates are not liable for any damages due to misuse of the Hair Therapy Wrap. User agrees to use at his or her own risk