Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hair Loss Women

There may be a lack of sensitivity among the general public toward womens' hair loss and thinning hair as compared to the response to the same issue for men. This is perplexing because men and women equally suffer from hair loss.

The main difference between female and male baldness is in the pattern of hair loss. In men the hairline recedes and moves further and further back until the man might be completely bald. However, in women the hair thins in a very diffuse manner, making female hair loss more evenly distributed over the entire scalp. As the hair gets thinner the scalp may become more visible. This can be treated.
The treatment of female hair loss usually differs from the treatment of men. The cause of hair loss in women is somewhat different than men, therefore the treatment regimen will differ as well. If you are a woman suffering with hair loss I encourage you to visit my office for a consultation, and see if you qualify for laser hair treatments. You do not need to suffer any longer. There are effective treatments to stop, reverse and re-grow your hair naturally.
Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female hair loss patterns vary, mostly because of the different causes that factor in. The chart below shows the Ludwig classification system that was established to better categorize female hair loss.
Cause of Hair Loss in Women

There are a number of factors to keep in mind when determining the cause of hair loss in women. Although many women inherit this difficult problem from their ancestors, many more cite a different cause.

Aside from heredity, the major cause of female hair loss includes:
Strong Hair Chemicals

Many times, when a woman experiences hair loss caused by one of these situations. Once the problem is corrected the the hair will come back. Some times, however, the cause either can't be stopped or the hair follicle has been permanently lost and the hair never comes back
The Treatment Options

The only way to truly determine the most appropriate course of action is by meeting with your doctor. Dr. Melamed will start by meeting with you and determining the specific cause of your hair loss. Then you can start on a customized Hair Restoration Program based on the cause, pattern, and level of thinning hair you are experiencing.

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