Thursday, July 3, 2008


Hair Removal lasers are only effective on pigmented hairs. Lasers that are providing effective treatments are all targeting melanin. The best candidates for laser hair removal are individuals with light skin and dark hair. A dark hair contains melanin and has a plethora of melanin surrounding the dermal papilla, or hair root. The melanin granules absorb the laser energy, which in turn produces a thermal effect. This heating action is what kills the hair, which later falls out. The projected number of treatments needed is 2-6, with the average being 3-5.

When you are ready for your treatment, the hair in that area will be closely clipped or shaved off. We want as much of the laser energy as possible to be absorbed by the melanin near the hair root. If we let hair on the surface of your skin, too much of the laser energy would be wasted.

Within 10-20 days, the treated hair will fall out. It will look as if it is growing, but be patient. Deeper, darker hairs will take more time to fall out than shallower hairs. You may shave or clip those hairs if needed before they fall out, but do not take the tweezers and try to pull them out. Allow them to take their own time to completely dry up and fall out. You may also bleach treated hairs while you are waiting for them to fall out.

You should wait 4-6 weeks after your last tanning session before you start your laser hair removal treatments. The melanin in your skin seems to be 'activated' when you tan. Activated melanin will heat more quickly when exposed to the laser energy, and therefore afford a higher potential for burning the skin.

You should plan your laser treatments 4-6 weeks after your last electrolysis treatment or waxing session. You will receive the most economic benefit with laser hair removal if you have a high density of hair growing in the desired treatment area.

Beaches Hair Removal Clinic use an alexandrite laser manufactured by the Candela, Corp., called GentleLASE. Alexandrite and ruby lasers have been safely used in medical applications for decades. The FDA has cleared five systems for "Permanent Hair Reduction". The are the ruby laser called Epilaser, a diode laser called LightSheer, a bread spectrum light device (not really even a laser!), called EpiLight, the alexandrite GentleLASE, and the alexandrite Apogee, and the Nd:Yag Coolglide.

As with any service of this type, there are always risks involved. As with traditional electrolysis, the risks are hyper-pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation, and scarring. Hyper-pigmentation is a darkening of the skin, much like a localized, artificial tan. It could last anywhere from a few days to a few months. Hypo-pigmentation is just the opposite. It is a lightening or bleaching of the skin. If the laser energy is too high, it could produce a burn. If it was intense enough, it could scar. We have had no significant problems to report.

The treatment is described by many as feeling similar to being 'popped' by a rubber band. Treatment is so fast that most do not mind the discomfort they feel. Upper lips can be done in one minute, both underarms in 6-7 minutes, and a bikini line in 10-15 minutes! Hair removal has never been so fast!

The GentleLASE has spot sizes up to 18mm. The is one of the largest spot sizes of any laser on the market today, and makes treatment fast, and effective. The GentleLASE can fire a pulse every second! The cooling system is second to none. It is the only laser on the market that delivers a cryogenic spray to protect your skin. We find it superior to messy gels or contact cooling which is totally technician dependent and cannot be as precise with each pulse.

Just after treatment, your skin will be warm, and possibly flushed with color. You may also notice some erythema, or puffiness. We will apply a topical ointment or lotion to your skin to soothe and cool it, and then apply a cold damp cloth to cool the area down. You should avoid rubbing or scrubbing the area for 24 hours. Pat or gently cleanse the area instead.

Treatments are delivered anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months apart. After your treated hair has fallen out (10-20 days!), you will be hair free for some time. Suddenly, you will notice a new "crop" of hair emerging. You will then know that it is time for your next treatment. These will be hairs that were dormant or not in an active stage of growing when you received your last laser treatment.

Amanda Forster, CME has had extensive training for laser hair removal. This training includes laser physics, laser safety, and hands-on training. Those who do not attend training classes such as this usually get an afternoon with the laser company professional. They are shown how to perform rudimentary functions, are handed paperwork with parameters of settings on it, and given an 800- number to call with questions! Trust your skin to professionals who have taken the time for training, and understand how the skin responds to thermal hair removal treatments. We understand your issues with unwanted hair! Most other clinics have only been in the hair removal business for a few weeks or months. Make the safe choice, and trust your skin to educated professionals who care about your skin. Beaches Hair Removal clinic was established in 1986 in Neptune Beach, FL.

You should always call or email us with any of your questions. We are here to help you eliminate your unwanted hair, as safely, quickly and effectively as possible. This new technology is truly exciting. Let us show you how to free yourself of unwanted hair at the speed of light.

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