Thursday, January 22, 2009

Alternative Treatment

There is no real natural or unnatural way to remove hair from the body, unless you consider depilatory creams and powders to be unnatural due to their use of chemicals. To some extent, there is a risk of these chemicals adversely affecting your skin, so it is better to avoid them if you aim to remove hair from a sensitive area such as the face or the groin area.

There are several other options that you can choose from, which are all relatively “natural”. These include shaving, plucking, waxing, threading, and buffing. For a small area of skin that is not too sensitive, buffing is quite convenient, as it involves using a suitable rough surface to scrape away the hair. The most common techniques however are shaving and waxing. These are also among the most convenient approaches to removing body hair. Razors are easily available and easy to use, and waxing kits are also available at most supermarkets and medical stores, and have simple, clear instructions on them. If you prefer to remove hair right from its root, then you should wax rather than shave — although this is slightly more painful, the hair takes more time to grow back and so you need to repeat the treatment less often.

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