Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hair Loss Men

Hair loss is genetic about 95% of the time. This means that about 95% of balding men suffer from “male pattern baldness” or in medical terms, “androgenetic alopecia.” This is generally characterized by the U-shaped edging of hair from ear to ear that is common in most balding men.

The different traits that make us all so unique do not stop at hair loss. We see men at all stages of hair loss, including those who have a completely bare head and those who are simply starting to get nervous about a newly-receding hairline.

It is important to understand these hair loss solutions and carefully weigh the trade-offs and appropriateness of each treatment option for your situation. Everyone’s hair loss solution may be different, because every one’s situation is different. The only way to determine an appropriate hair loss solution is to obtain as much information as possible. Then schedule an appointment with an expert physician in medical hair restoration, such as Dr. David Melamed. Your physician will help you decide on the hair loss solution appropriate for you.

Male Pattern Baldness

The medical term for inherited baldness is "androgenetic alopecia." In men, it is called "male pattern baldness" and usually progresses to the familiar horseshoe-shaped fringe of hair.

Hair Loss Causes in Men

Normally, hair loss is caused by heredity, hormones and age. Genetic makeup determines if hair follicles are sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes the follicles to shrink.

This "shrinkage" results in the overall thinning of hair over time. Eventually the hair thins out completely and the follicle gets closed over.

The process of aging is another cause of male balding, as it can weaken the follicle and consequently the hair shaft. This causes thinning and baldness.
Other Factors

High levels of stress can be a cause of hair loss, but balding experienced in such an instance is unusual and temporary.

Trauma to the head accompanied by scarring can cause permanent damage to hair follicles, and permanent hair loss.

Tightly pulled hair styles, like braids, can cause hair loss as well. The tension created by the pull of the hairdo will irritate hair follicles, destroying them and stunting hair growth.

But 95% of the time, you can blame genetics when trying to determine the cause of your hair loss.

If you are a man suffering with hair loss I encourage you to visit my office for a consultation, and see if you qualify for laser hair treatments. You do not need to suffer any longer. There are effective treatments to stop, reverse and re-grow your hair naturally

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