Friday, March 27, 2009

Advantages of Face Hair Removal

Face hair removal can be an almost every day occurrence with some women, and for those with excess facial hair the most comforting thing to know is that you are not alone. Often this unwanted facial hair growth is simply a natural side effect of aging, however, there are a plethora of lip, chin, cheek and other hair elimination options available. According to Bristol-Myers, approximately 20 million women in the United States remove facial hair on a weekly basis. Waxing, plucking, tweezing, and bleaching can be big components to many women’s daily schedule, however, these can often be tedious and time consuming. A simple and permanent solution is laser hair removal. Based on the latest reports by the ASAPS, skin care providers performed over 1.2 million laser treatments in 2007, making it third most popular overall cosmetic procedure on the market. Laser treatments offer is permanent hair removal, so there’s no need to worry about waxing again. For men, laser facial hair removal is a great alternative to daily shaving and can help them achieve that well-groomed appearance. Another added benefit is no more razor burn or ingrown hairs on the face.

When it comes to face hair removal, other popular options include waxing, depilatory creams, and electrolysis. The problem with waxing facial hair and using depilatories is that they can irritate hair follicles. Laser facial hair removal, on the other hand, causes minimal irritation to the face in comparison to waxing or electrolysis. Waxing can also cause painful ingrown facial hairs, which laser treatments are actually used to treat and eliminate. The National Center for Biotechnology Information finds facial lasers to effective for removing ingrown hairs from bearded areas. Shaving can cause a 5 o’ clock shadow, tweezing can irritate hair follicles and cause scarring, depilatory creams that dissolve hair at the root can be problematic when used on the face, irritating sensitive skin and not fully removing all the unwanted hairs. Electrolysis for face hair can potentially cause bumps, hyper-pigmentation/skin discoloration, and sometimes scarring, especially with darker skin tones.

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